Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Processes-Dieter" back to court

Ratingen - As a "process-Dieter" Rolf-Dieter K. has made a name.
Applies nationwide as the "King of the plaintiff." Now he can boast a more "noble title": "mob-king." On Wednesday, the 73-year-old stands because of injury in 66 cases in Ratingen in front of District Court.
Not again, "is expected to so many judge or prosecutor in recent years have thought that if Dieter K. stood before him. Almost always, as the plaintiff: About 230 times, the welfare recipients employed by the courts.
Again and again, with little things. Time to enstrifing from social services to a toilet brush, sometimes it was a pair of trousers, then a prescription. Often pensioners rebel freaked out there. A Gerichtsvollzieherin he called "criminal subject" and "scum" of Germany.
Employees of the Social Welfare in Ratingen he described as "heads" and "lazy gang". One employee, he certified an "IQ twice as large as their shoe size." He was really creative sometimes: a district court, he wrote with "Your Kriminiszens.
Prosecutor Chris toph Kumpa: "We have a pretty thick skin. But now it is enough! Most injuries are anything but ready for print. We can in no case more through. "That seems to be the pensioners and former sports teacher, who is regarded as highly intelligent, see completely differently. "We do not know if he's coming," said court director Lothar Ghent. "He has indicated that he had no desire." If he does not actually appear, he would certainly call the police.
"Processes-Dieter" has already spent one years in prison for libel. Now he has to adjust to a new prison. He believes, according to the district court but for schuldunfähig. Ghent Check: "Hence, the process also an expert, whether Rolf-Dieter K. is not actually able to see the injustice of his actions." Should the Referee him "Diminished responsibility" attest that threatens the court action brought by a new "processes Dieter. Then he would surely to compensation for time already served his prison sentence to complain.
For the negotiation of Ghent on Wednesday is prepared for anything. To exclude Ausraster the accused was prudent to increase the number of sergeant.