Friday, April 30, 2010

NHL clubs are planning games in the Lanxess Arena

Cologne - The economic crisis is shared by Cologne's fun Temple No. 1 to the core. There are fewer and fewer fans in the Lanxess Arena.
In the handball players of VfL Gummersbach are just 4497 (an average occupancy: 24.3 percent), with the sharks there are only 10961 (capacity: 59.3 percent).
Arena boss Ralf Bernd Assenmacher knows the reasons for the loss of viewers: "In both leagues, the viewing figures worsened dramatically. People are simply not currently have the money to come often in the hall. "
But now, the bosses make the Henkel male mobile, fighting together with the clubs to the crisis. Arena manager Stefan holes: "With the VfL Gummersbach are planned marketing campaigns. We are working to create even more in Cologne club identification. And with the sharks of course we support the demands of KEC's Managing Director Eichin after a league-reduction. The Ice Hockey League last needed a new mode - there are simply too many games. "
Assenmacher also has two super trumps up his sleeve: the beginning of 2009 he traveled again to the U.S. to negotiate with the bosses of the basketball league NBA, David Stern and NHL ice hockey league, Ken Jaffee, too. "The NHL would like to unsubscribe from the Ice Hockey World Championships 2010 in our arena two games. Even with the NBA will continue to work intensively discussed. "Perhaps it creates the bustling arena boss, yes, to lure the Dallas Mavericks with superstar Dirk Nowitzki to Cologne. The only problem: The financial crisis has increased the demands of the Americans tripled.
Plans for the 2010 World Cup hockey highlight meanwhile also run at full speed. The ticket sale is scheduled on 15 Starting in December. Hopefully successful.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Police grab Crash Kids

Cologne - you crack old cars, most of all the Ford Escort and Ford Fiesta. Then they rush off and pop the cars in front of a wall, remain where the wrecks are then available.
We are talking about Crash Kids. And just this, the police arrested on Wednesday two guys. After witnesses watched the guys in cracking of a Ford Fiesta in Vingst, they called the police.
When the patrol car, took the kids (17, 18), the flight - but were soon put out. The elder immediately confessed to the police both are already well known.
The Crash Kids "broke up since October 2007, preferably in the Cologne city districts Vingst, Ostheim, lime and Brück cars always the same approach.
The Cologne police are now able to identify nine other crash kids. You can now at least 20 acts will be allocated. In general, the boys had no driving license. Investigations were initiated against them.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Suddenly wants to be an OB

Bonn - Baerbel Dieckmann occurs at the next election OB anymore. And already it's off to her party really about. A kind of SPD-theater at the local level also.
Act I: will be party leader Ernesto Harder presented by Dieckmann, leader Wilfried Klein and MP Uli Kelber as OB candidate - but pulls back suddenly, as headmaster of Jürgen Nimptsch old SPD Strippenziehern is sent into the race (EXPRESS reported>).
Act Two: Comrade Hermann-Josef Borjans mixed with sudden. "I want to offer an alternative," says the 49-year-old made it clear to EXPRESS. He had been approached by Kessenicher Dottendorfer and if he did not even advertise. Also from Bonners which were not in the SPD emphasizes the Borough.
"It was not an easy decision," said the first detective chief superintendent. "My application is not always met with approval."
No wonder really. Can the other parties to the Bonn until warm in the coming weeks with their candidate before, the SPD must wait until November the members at the World Congress Center in Bonn, until they "can supercharge the" candidate. By the way: a third candidacy is already rumored.
Borjans counts equally from opportunities. As head of the Commissariat prevention every day he was in town on the road, occupying himself with the problems of Bonn. In addition, he had 29 years management experience including as spokesman of Interior Ministry and district government, as speaker of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
Attacks from party colleagues to clothes and the father of three sons: "The members will decide." And it stops the police officer until the appointment in about six weeks with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi: "First shalt thou be ignored. Then you will be laughed at. Then they fight you. And then you win. "

Monday, April 12, 2010

Swine flu threatens Queen Elizabeth

London - Three employees of the British royal family are ill with swine flu. Two of them are directly employed at Buckingham Palace. The third party is an employee at the weekend accommodation of the queen, the Windsor Castle. This tells the British magazine "News of the World".
Following the announcement of the swine flu outbreak have called Queen Elizabeth a crackdown against the disease pathogens. The employees were encouraged to adhere to the strict guidelines of the NHS. Part of the guidelines it may be, strictly isolating sick people in order to prevent further dissemination.
So far the virus had hit only staff members of the royal family were not affected.
Particularly explosive: one of the infected people working in the kitchen of the palace.
A spokesman for the palace said they had it in a company of this magnitude - the palace has suffered more than 1,000 people - that we come to pig flu infections. Managers were particularly well informed about taking precautions.
More info: Germany threat of swine flu vaccine-Chaos> Swine flu: What you absolutely need to know> Sugababes infected with swine flu>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seven German kidnapped in Yemen

Sana'a - Yemen The seven German were kidnapped together togetherness Britons and a South Korean.
DasInnenministerium reported on Sunday, the group had already been deported amvergangenen Friday in the northern province of Amran derschiitischen rebel group Abdulmalik al-Houthi.
From rebel groups said, however, the group, which has its stronghold inder further northwest province of Saada had to do with derGeiselnahme nothing.
According to Yemeni Beobachterwurden foreigners by armed members of a Stammesverschleppt who wants to blackmail the government with it.
References to political demands of the hostage-takers or denAufenthaltsort of the abductees were not available initially.
Among the kidnapped Germans want is a couple andthe act three children and two nurses. The Deutschearbeitet in the state Al-Jumhori hospital in Saada.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Berlin that it würdensieben German nationals missing. Whether it is eineEntführung that he could not yet say. They had einenKrisenstab was trying to set up and in contact with denjemenitischen authorities for clarification.
Doctors and aid workers are currently dieeinzigen foreigners who have access to the province of Saada have to deliver in dersich government forces since 2004, repeatedly clashed with rebels denHouthi.
The conflict are already vonRebellen hundreds of civilians and soldiers have fallen victim. TausendeBewohner the province of Saada fled from the fighting.
Last Thursday kidnappers had brought on the road from Sanaa to derHauptstadt Saada already a bus with 22 people in ihreGewalt, among them 14 foreign employees einesanderen hospital in Saada.
The 14 doctors and nurses from India, Egypt, Sudan and the Philippines and its Familienangehörigenkamen on Friday freed.