Saturday, April 24, 2010

Police grab Crash Kids

Cologne - you crack old cars, most of all the Ford Escort and Ford Fiesta. Then they rush off and pop the cars in front of a wall, remain where the wrecks are then available.
We are talking about Crash Kids. And just this, the police arrested on Wednesday two guys. After witnesses watched the guys in cracking of a Ford Fiesta in Vingst, they called the police.
When the patrol car, took the kids (17, 18), the flight - but were soon put out. The elder immediately confessed to the police both are already well known.
The Crash Kids "broke up since October 2007, preferably in the Cologne city districts Vingst, Ostheim, lime and Brück cars always the same approach.
The Cologne police are now able to identify nine other crash kids. You can now at least 20 acts will be allocated. In general, the boys had no driving license. Investigations were initiated against them.