Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seven German kidnapped in Yemen

Sana'a - Yemen The seven German were kidnapped together togetherness Britons and a South Korean.
DasInnenministerium reported on Sunday, the group had already been deported amvergangenen Friday in the northern province of Amran derschiitischen rebel group Abdulmalik al-Houthi.
From rebel groups said, however, the group, which has its stronghold inder further northwest province of Saada had to do with derGeiselnahme nothing.
According to Yemeni Beobachterwurden foreigners by armed members of a Stammesverschleppt who wants to blackmail the government with it.
References to political demands of the hostage-takers or denAufenthaltsort of the abductees were not available initially.
Among the kidnapped Germans want is a couple andthe act three children and two nurses. The Deutschearbeitet in the state Al-Jumhori hospital in Saada.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Berlin that it würdensieben German nationals missing. Whether it is eineEntführung that he could not yet say. They had einenKrisenstab was trying to set up and in contact with denjemenitischen authorities for clarification.
Doctors and aid workers are currently dieeinzigen foreigners who have access to the province of Saada have to deliver in dersich government forces since 2004, repeatedly clashed with rebels denHouthi.
The conflict are already vonRebellen hundreds of civilians and soldiers have fallen victim. TausendeBewohner the province of Saada fled from the fighting.
Last Thursday kidnappers had brought on the road from Sanaa to derHauptstadt Saada already a bus with 22 people in ihreGewalt, among them 14 foreign employees einesanderen hospital in Saada.
The 14 doctors and nurses from India, Egypt, Sudan and the Philippines and its Familienangehörigenkamen on Friday freed.